Ricardo 'Ricky' Galvez
In Memoriam
Today was a day I hoped would never come. A senseless act took the life of a young man, co-worker and friend, Ricky Galvez. A decorated Marine veteran and great cop taken way too soon. It's still so hard to believe what has happened.
I personally wanted to thank friends, family, all of the other police agencies and the great citizens from the City of Downey, who all came together and became ONE community yesterday. Your outpouring of support was amazing and was very much appreciated.
Through this tragedy comes a huge sign of togetherness and we will ALL get through this as ONE. It's truly good to know we have such great friends, family and support through these trying times. With all the negativity in the world, it's good to know how many truly great people there are out there.
Speaking on behalf of all of us from the Downey Police Officer's Association, I want to personally thank each and every one of you for your graciousness and support.
RIP brotha, you will be missed. Godspeed Ricky......
- Corporal Mike Pope
Downey Police Officer's Association